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Beautiful jars to grow your money!! – Two Pearls and an Oyster

Beautiful jars to grow your money!!

I guess that this would be one of those rare instances where a mother was wishing that her daughter would consume more jam on a daily basis – so that the mother gets an empty jam bottle to work with!


There is a belief that keeping a money plant in your house improves your financial fortune. I personally want to believe that money would be sweet when grown in these jam jars. This is a simple project and also my first attempt at glass painting, where I recycled jam bottles into colorful jars to hold indoor plants. Hope to work on more intricate designs on my next glass painting venture.

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1 Response

  1. Vasudha S says:

    Ha Ha, one more bottle(I mean Jam) like me. I buy jam just for cute bottles and feed the jam to my son..

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