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Mr. Right & Mrs. Always Right : M-Seal Flower Vase – Two Pearls and an Oyster

Mr. Right & Mrs. Always Right : M-Seal Flower Vase

The law of polarity states – “Everything in the universe has its opposite” – yin-yang, north-south, up-down, day-night, good-bad and the list goes on. So it’s quite obvious that there has to be a Mr.Right and Mrs.Always Right. This is of course with an arguable statement that men can be sometimes right too 🙂 If one is active the other becomes passive and vice-versa, but women have a feeling (a right feeling?) that they are always right.


This is my second project using M-Seal (the first one here) where I have taken a clay vase as a base and built on top of that. I have used shilpakar craft M-seal to mould the designs. Finally, a dash of acrylic colours on top of the mseal would make it stand out. A small tip: Always apply a coat of white base below the solid colours to make the true colours prominent.

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5 Responses

  1. This is so well done vidhya. At first glance I thought you painted the vase which had built in face. But you actually sculpted it and it looks great.
    I like the Mrs Always Right more 😉

  2. Vidhya says:

    Thanks for the encouraging words Anu..
    I always look forward for ur comment 🙂

  3. Srividhya says:

    i was just waiting for the time to sit back and read all your posts!!and i am on it now!!Brilliant work Vidhya!!These art works def. gives a lot happiness post completion besides all the effort and pain involved, which we don’t really get in 9*5 s/w job;)

    The photos and their description were well written with a tinge of humour,sarcasm .. all mixed in right proportions.

    Keep up the wonderful job!!!:)

  4. Vasudha S says:

    I love the name Mr Right and Mrs Always right!. Well done..

  5. Vineeta says:

    Amazing piece of creativity.i was really impressed to see how well the faces have been made.keep it up

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