Birthday Party Fun, Food & Ideas !
This has been a long pending post and I felt that this is the right time to bring back some memories from Akshara’s earlier birthday parties. Making the arrangements for Akshara’s birthday party is...
A blog for the precious mom and mom's precious
This has been a long pending post and I felt that this is the right time to bring back some memories from Akshara’s earlier birthday parties. Making the arrangements for Akshara’s birthday party is...
Every time I see the old newspapers lying in the storeroom they remind me patiently “free us from this place”. I have been behind Rajaram for months to get this cleaned up but I...
Abstract paintings are those that directly represent our thoughts and have no reference to copy from. For a change, I have tried to replicate one of the abstract paintings that I saw on the...
This is officially my first glass painting as the previous one was just a trial on a jam bottle .The chosen theme again is the divine Krishna. Whenever I think of painting something new...
A simple one hour twist and curl best-out-of-waste project! There was some wood work going on in our house and our carpenter was kind enough to litter the house with wood waste. Rather than...
Jute bags are in fashion nowadays as they are eco-friendly, reusable, durable and of course elegant too. I have been sporting some for few years now. Recently, I had bought plain jute bags with...
The onset of Spring just makes it perfect to indulge in flower art. If you ask Akshara as to what her favourite food is,her spontaneous reaction would be, Pasta! If the same pasta with...
“अतिथि देवो भवः“ which means guests are God and should be treated like one. For some time now I have been thinking of putting some art work at the entrance of our house to...
The law of polarity states – “Everything in the universe has its opposite” – yin-yang, north-south, up-down, day-night, good-bad and the list goes on. So it’s quite obvious that there has to be a...
I guess that this would be one of those rare instances where a mother was wishing that her daughter would consume more jam on a daily basis – so that the mother gets an...